care of basics, the clamp mechanism.
(This article was also published in the June 2002 issue of
“Die Casting Management” magazine.)

The die casting clamping mechanism is a mechanical marvel that
multiplies force by approximately 33::1 while providing a die stroke roughly
equal to that of the closing cylinder. Despite the demands on the system, most
clamping mechanisms make millions of cycles without failure.
Success is not an accident. In order to produce die castings
with quality consistent enough to approach PPM levels, it is necessary to have
a method to maintain the entire clamp system. It is a key component of process
Components of a clamp
- Foundation
and levelers
- Tie
- Tie
bar adjusting nuts
- Die
height mechanism
- Platens
- Moving
platen shoes or guides, also known as traveling plate and rails.
- Toggle
- Cross
- Closing
- Hydraulic
What are some of the
common causes of failure?
- A level machine begins with a solid floor/machine
- An
un-level or weak floor that does not support the machine at all points will
create stress points in the machine frame and clamp system.
- This
will accelerate machine wear and can cause operating problems in the die.
- Frequent
hydraulic leaks from cracked hydraulic lines are common.
- Leveling pads may compress over a period
of time.
- Recheck
machine level annually to insure that the machine is not stressed and remains
within tolerance of 0.002 in/foot. (0.0508 mm/0.305 meters)1
- Tie bar has end play.
- Cover end: The tie bar should be
secure and have no end play. If end play is allowed the tie bar nut will
“coin” both the nut and the platen each cycle. If this is only occurring
on one tie bar, eventually the reduction of pre-load on this tie bar will
result in an uneven stress on all the tie bars. This can cause flashing
dies, and failure of the other tie bars. As the tie bar nut becomes coined
it will be difficult or impossible to remove or adjust. In addition, coining
the hole through the platen can reduce the hole diameter making the tie
bar difficult to remove. Damage to the platen is permanent and requires
extensive welding and/or machining to repair.
- An
“end bell” is used on some cover end tie bars. A pre-load is essential
to prevent end play. Machining or welding may be required to eliminate
end play and prevent future wear.
- Adjustable end: The tie bar adjusting
nut covers should be secure and proper operating clearance maintained.
- Loose covers:
- This
is often the sign of a more serious problem. It is a common practice
to loosen the covers in order to free a locked up die height system.
The cause of the bind is overlooked and the covers remain loose further
accelerating the wear.
- The
most frequent reason covers are allowed to operate loose is an out of
square machine caused by worn linkage.
- The
failure mode is similar to the cover end. If allowed to operate loose
for extended periods, the gears, nuts and platen will become coined
and require machining or replacement of the tie bar and nuts and welding
and machining to repair the damaged platen.
- Tie bar bushings:
- Tie
bar bushings provide both lateral and vertical alignment. They are not,
however intended to support the weight of either the platen or the ejector
die. That is the function of platen shoes/guides.
- Regular
lubrication is essential.
- See
platen shoe/guides below for additional information.
- Moving platen shoes/guides:
- The
platen shoes and wear plates must support the platen and ejector half of
the die. Die carriers are recommended for larger dies 600 ton and above.
This will reduce the wear on the tie bar bushings and guide pins in the
- Adjust
the shoes as required to maintain platen support.
- Replace
rail or wear strip if necessary.
- Regular
lubrication is essential.
- Platens:
- Platens
should provide a smooth parallel surface to support the die.
- Surfaces
that are coined or not structurally sound can allow the die to flex during
the fast shot, impact and intensification.
- Short
term solutions include welding and hand grinding the surface (if small
enough area) to create a flat supporting area. For larger surfaces see
- Machine
the platen to re-qualify the surface using portable milling equipment.
(For more on portable machining see next months issue.)
- Longer
term solutions include tear down, removal, welding and Blanchard grinding.
- Toggle linkage:
- The toggle linkage uses mechanical advantage
to develop the lock up force by placing the linkage, platens and die in
compression while elongating the tie bars.
- Worn
pins and bushings result in excess clearance and uneven lock up. Wear
accelerates as the clearance increases, further coining them with each
- Problems
with uneven lock up/out of parallel:
- Flash
(wasted metal)
- Inconsistent
casting thickness
- Slide
blow (flash) and stuck slides.
- Safety
issues from flash
- Die
damage from above.
- Damaged
die guide or leader pins.
- Frequent
interruptions to clean up flash.
- In
addition to placing a relatively equal force on the entire surface of the
die, it also must maintain parallelism while opening the dies.
- Problems
from out of parallel opening.
- Broken
or shearing link bolts on Harvill machines
- Drags
on castings
- Broken
or damaged core pins
- Castings
sticking to the cover half of the die.
- Galled
die guide or leader pins
- Cracked
castings from out of parallel ejection.
- Toggle systems live on lubrication.
A constant supply of clean lubricant is essential for reliable service.
- Maintenance
- Routine
check and maintain the level in the automatic toggle lubrication system.
- Daily,
weekly and monthly checks of the lubrication hoses, lines and metering
- Cross head:
- The
cross head and bushings maintain the linkage alignment. Depending on the
manufacturer of your machine, the cross head bearing surfaces could vary
greatly in design. Regardless of design, the cross head must maintain its
center throughout the lock up in order to develop force on all four corners
of the platens.
- Four
corner lock up designs such as B&T, Prince and Quantum have a center
- Other
linkage systems use stationery guide bars attached to the bumper or knock
out plate on one end and the adjustable platen on the other. Examples
include Birch, Cleveland,
Ajay/Dejay, National/Avnet and Kux.
- Moving
cross head guide bars are attached to the moving platen and move through
bushings in the adjustable platens. Examples include Harvell, HPM and
- Worn cross head components also create
excess side loads on closing cylinder rod bushings and seals. This results
in frequent blown seals, lost fluid and more down time.
- Other problems created by worn cross
head components include “over-locking”. In this situation, the main linkage
is pushed past center and must tighten during the opening or “un-lock”
portion of the cycle. In extreme cases, the cylinder may not have enough
force to open the die and is stuck with a casting in the closed position.
- Cross head maintenance and lubrication
requirements are similar to the toggle linkage.
- Closing cylinder and hydraulic system:
- The
closing cylinder and hydraulic system do not affect balance, but they do
affect force and cycle time. Examples include:
- Closing
cylinder piston rings/seals must be maintained to prevent blow-by. A defective
piston seal can reduce the lock-up force by as much as 50%.
- An
improperly adjusted hydraulic system can also reduce the locking force.
An example would be a regenerative circuit that remains active also reduces
the lock-up capability of the machine by 50%.
- Improperly
adjusted pressure controls can drop off early resulting in reduced lock
up force or excessive lock up time.
In summary, the maintenance of the mechanical system of the
machine is essential to producing quality casting consistently year after year.
While it does require effort and investment, the cost is minimal in comparison
to the cost of neglect.
Alofs, W., Carstens, J., “Mechanical Maintenance and Evaluation of Die Cast
Machines,” NADCA, 1987
May 28, 2003

Other technical articles on die casting by Bob McClintic
Bob at: RMcClintic@DrDieCast.com
Copyright Bob McClintic and Associates: 2000 - 2024
Revised: June 28, 2024